Friday 18 March 2011

my music m agazine evaluation

1.       In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
        My media project (music magazine) uses conventions of a real magazine such as the big headline so it clearly stands out on the shelves. I have also used bright colours to also make it stand out. I have stuck to only 3 colours as most real magazines stick to 2 or 3 colours maximum to make it look professional. I have used only one main picture to no over crowded it and make it look messy. I think this was a smart idea as now it does look real for a drum n bass magazine.

2.       How does your media product represent particular social groups?
 My magazines does this in many of ways. Such as on the left of the front cover is three different venues and three different events. This would attract the out going groups of people that regularly or like to go out.  Also my title is a hidden subliminal message. My title is ‘urban chemist’, ‘urban’ coming from the street life scene and ‘chemist’ a place that sells drugs. If you put these together you see that I mean about an illegal drug dealer. This can be seen in most raves such as pills, ecstasy, MDMA etc.

3.       What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The music magazine institutions would mostly buy my magazine and then sell it on to big retail branches such as Sainsbury’s, Tesco or ASDA. Also privately owned businesses such as mini marks etc. 

4.       Who would be the audience for your media product?
         My target audience will be 16-21 year olds. I have chosen this as this is the main ages of the D&B fans. I also researched this as many events hold the normal 18+ raves but also have introduced the 16+ raves at such events as matter, ministry of sound, Brixton mass and Brixton academy.

5.       How did you attract/address your audience?
I attracted my audience by using well known performers in m,y magazine so straight away they can associate themselves with the magazine in the way they love there music. I also used well know venues such as Brixton mass and ministry of sound. These are nationally known places so people from all around the country will know what the magazine is about. I have also used known events in certain venues to as again people who see the magazine will know what to expect from it.

6.       What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt that the process of making a magazine is not as easy as it looks. The soft ware that we used was difficult in many areas. I also found that cutting pictures out from their original backgrounds was very hard as well. Also I found the hardest part was the contents page as I could not find any good examples to go by so found it very difficult to make it look professional.

7.       Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I have learnt since my preliminary task how to make media products look professional and not to cramp the front cover up to much. Also I have learnt how to use the software to the best of my ability but there is still much room for improvement. I have also learnt that you do not need loads of different colours on  the page as sometimes that can make it look un-professional.  

Friday 8 October 2010

problems that occured when getting started

when we first started it was hard to get used to a complete new softtware. i was shown how to do certain stuff but kept forgetting it such as how to curve the writing. i also found it hard merging pictures and the right effects to put on what picture.

first media project with me and patrick

we started off by going our seperate ways to get used to the software we was going to use. we then came up with two different magazines and merged them together to come up with one magazine. this was a good idea as we both had different ideas for different parts of the magazine meaning we got the full potential out of our time spent on them.